When Tom Field and I decided to found Valley Business FRONT magazine in July, Tom said he didn't see any reason we couldn't be the best business magazine in the region coming out of the box and the best in Virginia in six months. I said I thought we could do better than that.
I belive our first issue in October set the standard for business publications in the state. I just finished proofreading our November issue and I believe we have established ourselves as the best magazine in Virginia with it. This is, quite simply, an astonishingly good read and it is also--because of Tom's deft design touch and some top-notch photography, especially Greg Vaughn's cover--beautiful.
Look at it for yourself Tuesday night online at www.vbfront.com and tell me if I'm exaggerating. I've been in this business for more than four decades and I know a good read when I see one. This is it, boys and girls.
The stories simply sing, from Keith Ferrell's cover on social networking to Alison Weaver's marvelous piece on a company that makes artificial limbs, Catherine Mosley's profile of the impressive Mary Miller and Warner Dalhouse's commentary on the banking mess. The innovative Dick Robers offers a way out of our health care dilemma and coming from Dick, I suspect it would work. The photos are striking; examine the photos with Alison's limbs piece and those with John Montgomery's story on the Preservation Society.
Even when you get past what you might consider the "meat" of the magazine and wander to the back of the book, you'll find small, informative featurettes sprinkled in our "Career" and "Briefs" sections, stories that will keep you occupied. The magazine is 90 pages and I proofed it in three hours. That means the writing is crisp and entertaining.
Judge for yourself. I'm euphoric after having read it because we're so far ahead of our goals for excellence right now. Ad revenue's next, so look out competition.
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