Those of you wondering if the Grandin Theatre's board of directors would ever make good on its promise to poll members of the community about its future in the wake of a firing scandal that rocked it to its foundations a few months ago can rest a little easier. My wife and I each received a survey today--as former members of the board of directors--that Vice President and Strategic Planning Committee Chairman Tony Stavola says will be used to help shape the theater's future.
"We are entering a time of major change both in the economy and the arts and cultural life of our community," the letter reads. "The current Board is undertaking a strategic planning process to help maintain and build on the past success of the Grandin Theatre and position it to be able to meet the challenges of the future.
"One very important piece of that process is obtaining input from those such as yourself who have given so much to help keep the Grandin alive. Enclosed you will find a brief survey that will allow you to provide your own insights and thoughts to help shape that strategic plan."
Two questions remain: who got the questionnaire and how will it be used?
We'll have to wait on those answers, but Tony Stavola told me a couple of months ago that change was coming. This is a pretty strong indication that he was serious.