Cuccinelli apparently has some skills as a domestic worker. Maybe he should go back to that, since as AG he's more a comedian.^There's an interesting profile from the Associated Press (
here) making the rounds today about Virginia's unhinged attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. One of the most interesting quotes in it comes from fellow nutjob and Northern Virginia Republican Delegate David Albo (a business partner of knuckle-dragging Salem Delegate Morgan Griffith, who likes to send our tax money up that way).
Here's what Albo allows about Cuccinelli: “I’d describe Ken as Catholic like the Pope in that there are a set of rules, the rules are the rules, and you don’t waver from them.” Eloquently spoken (or not), Mr. Albo, but one wonders if those rules include protecting pedophiles and lying about it?
What goes through my mind are the people who voted him into office- now that is something to watch. Scary.
Monica: Remember this always: 54 million people voted for George Freakin' Bush! Fifty-four million!