Monday, October 13, 2014

Who Needs Van Gogh? Not Pampa

A duo named Havin' a Bubble entertained the kids with, well, bubbles.
Andy strings out the bubbles with his "machine."
Big bubbles, little kids.
Overcast, dreary Holland was a sheer delight today, compensating for its clouds and its cool with color, art and fun in the park.

I began with an early walk, but the center focus today was to be Van Gogh's museum, something Sonya was more excited about than I. I slogged through with her, though, and when we'd finished, I hauled out for the streets to find some excitement. Amsterdam seems to always have its fill.

The first discovery was a band called Compulsive Gambling, a duet of 20-somethings who sang and played the bejabbers out of some fine music. The singer, AnneFleur Schoch, is a delightful young woman who said the band's newest album is due in two weeks. They have a website (compulsive and you can give a listen.

Pampa digs bubbles, too.
Irishman Andy and his partner Karlota entertained the kids with their bubble "machine," which was a webbed rope, dipped in water and detergent. It made huge bubbles and one splashed on the lens of my Canon. The kids love them and Andy says you can see what they do at their website (just type in the name and Google will do the rest.

One of the coolest adventures featured a kid named Marco Johnsen who was giving away hugs. "No, it's not a job," he said, smiling. I got it. Marco was thoroughly enjoying himself.

We wound up the day with a one-hour tour of the canals of the city, which was an informative feast for the eyes. Amsterdam is as pretty a city as I've ever seen.

We're going to Paris in the morning and I have to pack. Or is it unpack? Hell, who knows, but I gotta go. Thanks for looking in.

This is Compulsive Gambling, picking and singing.
My new buddy Anne-Fleur belts one out.
Marco Johnsen plants a hug on me.
Pampa sits in a national symbol.
Cruising along the canal in Amsterdam.

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