(The following was posted by my friend Gina Holmes, an author of some note who says Eddie Jones has been extraordinarily kind to other writers. I like that, so I told Gina she could have this space.--Dan Smith)
Eddie Jones is the author of eleven books and over 100 articles. He also serves as Acquisition Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. He is a three-time winner of the Delaware Christian Writers' Conference, and his YA novel, The Curse of Captain LaFoote, won the 2012 Moonbeam Children's Book Award and 2011 Selah Award in Young Adult Fiction. He is also a writing instructor and cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries. His He Said, She Said devotional column appears on ChristianDevotions.US. His humorous romantic suspense, Bahama Breeze remains a "blessed seller." When he's not writing or teaching at writers' conferences, Eddie can be found surfing in Costa Rica or some other tropical locale.
Eddie Jones is the author of eleven books and over 100 articles. He also serves as Acquisition Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. He is a three-time winner of the Delaware Christian Writers' Conference, and his YA novel, The Curse of Captain LaFoote, won the 2012 Moonbeam Children's Book Award and 2011 Selah Award in Young Adult Fiction. He is also a writing instructor and cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries. His He Said, She Said devotional column appears on ChristianDevotions.US. His humorous romantic suspense, Bahama Breeze remains a "blessed seller." When he's not writing or teaching at writers' conferences, Eddie can be found surfing in Costa Rica or some other tropical locale.
Tell us about your
upcoming release, Dead Man's Hand, with Zondervan.

Zonderkids is a
Christian publisher, so the paranormal aspect is surprising.
I added the paranormal aspect because I want parents and
youth to struggle with eternal questions. We’ve created such a culture of
blood-letting through books and movies involving vampires, zombies and survival
contests, that the reality of death doesn’t carry the sting it once did. In
high school my youngest son lost several friends to driving accidents. When
another friend recently died, we asked how he felt and he replied, “I’m numb to
it.” I fear that’s what we’re doing with our youth: desensitizing them to the
horrors of death. In Dead Man’s Hand,
Nick and his family discuss spirits and ghosts and the afterlife because I
think it’s important for teens to wrestle with these questions before they’re tossed
from a car and found dead on a slab of wet pavement.
You've spent the last
few years dedicating yourself to helping others get published. Tell us a little
about your publishing company and what motivated you to take on such a huge
We started the publishing arm to
publish devotional compilations for Christian Devotions Ministries. We wanted
to give some of our devotional writers their own byline in print. Part of
mission is to launch new careers for first time authors. We wanted to create a
publishing house where writers who were happy selling from 2,000, to 5,000
copies of their devotional book. There is a big jump from unpublished author to
“three-book contract” author and we wanted to serve as a stepping-stone for
those writers.
My problem is I hate telling people
no, especially when they have a solid project. When it comes time to reject a
manuscript, it pains me because I’ve been and continue to be on the other end
of rejection. I will delay saying no as long as I can in order to rework the
e-mail. I try to give authors good advice for how they can improve their
writing. The problem is, if I’m too nice, then they keep coming back and asking
to resubmit the same project. My advice to those authors is, improve your
writing and send me something new.
We currently have forty authors
under contract, have published over thirty books and distribute around four
thousand dollars a month in royalty checks. We pay our authors monthly, not
quarterly, because we want them to feel like writing is a real job. In fact, I
teach a class on how, if an author will write five books a year, they can make
over twenty-five thousand dollars. And these are large books. Most are under
thirty thousand words. The goal is to have five books that sell 125 copies,
(print and ebook combined). a month.
I get jazzed when one of our books launches or sells well. I know what it would feels like to see your book growing legs and garnering positive reviews so I get excited for our authors. Sometimes I think that’s how God feels when we’re doing the thing He’s called us to do. When we’re in our zone, doing the thing we love, we feel His joy. That’s what is great about working for God: sometimes you get paid for playing. J
But the only reason I’m able to
publish books and write full time is because four years ago I told God I’d work
for Him full time. I figure if I was working for God I’d never be out of work.
I may not make a lot of money, but he says there’s plenty of work and not
enough labors so to me, that meant job security. I took a blank sheet of paper
and signed it one day during my devotions and said, ‘Okay, God, I’ll do
whatever it is you ask me to do, because I’m tired of working for other people.
I want to work for You.’ Making up stories for boys, writing devotions,
creating humorous romantic novels for adults, I get to do all this plus make
dreams come true for other authors all
because I agreed to work for God full time.
You're passionate
about getting boys interested in books. Why do you feel it's so important to
get boys reading fiction at an early age?
I fear we’re on the verge of losing the male reader. I don’t
mean men and boys won’t learn to read: they will. But the percentage male who
read for leisure continues to shrink and this could be devastating for our
country. We can’t lose half our population and expect America to compete on a
global level. Reading forces the mind to create. With video the scene and
characters are received passively by the brain. There is very little
interaction; it’s all virtual stimulation, which is different from creation.
When you read, you add your furniture to the scene, dress the characters, add
elements not mentioned by the author. This is why readers so often complain,
“the movie was nothing like the book.” It’s not, because the book is your book.
The author crafted the outline of the set but each reader brings their emotions
and expectations to that book, changing it forever.
In general, boys would rather get their information and
entertainment visually. This is one reason books have such a tough time competing
for male readers. It can take weeks to read a book, even one as short as Dead
Man’s Hand. Meantime, that same story can be shown as a movie in under two
hours. So in one sense the allure of visual gratification is robbing future
generations of our ability to solve problems. I believe Americans only posses
one true gift, creativity, and it’s a gift from God. Other nations build things
cheaper and with fewer flaws. They work longer hours for less pay. But the
thing that has always set America apart is our Yankee ingenuity. We have always
been able to solve our way out of problems. That comes directly from our
ability to create solutions to problems we didn’t anticipate. If we lose male
readers and fail to develop that creative connections necessary for the brain
to conceive of alternatives, then we will lose our position as the world’s
What advice would you
offer to parents to get their children interested in reading at a young age?
Watch for clues. If your child shows any interest in
reading, reward the activity with trips to book fairs. I remember in grade
school how excited I got when we were allowed to order books. All we had to do
was check a box, (or so I thought), and wham! A few weeks later boxes of books
showed up and the teacher began dealing them to the students. I didn’t learn
until later my parents had mailed the school money for those books. I still
have most of them.
But not all children like reading and you can create an
anti-reading environment if you push too hard. An alternative for boys are
comic books, graphic novels, or simply cartoon books. I read a lot of Charlie
Brown cartoon books and still remember the plot: Lucy has the football. Charlie
wants to kick the ball. Lucy promises she will hold the ball in place but at
the last moment… We know this story because it’s repeated, not in a novel, but
in a cartoon.
Okay, we're going to
be really nosey now, you've been married a long time. Tells us a little about
your family, how you and your wife met and your family.
I met my wife at a stoplight in West Palm Beach, Florida.
She was in the backseat of the car behind us. The driver honked and I crawled
out the passenger window, a brown Pinto. The door didn’t work so it looked like
I was a NASCAR driver getting out on pit road. The car behind us was full of girls
from Meredith College. They asked where I went to college and I told them I
went to Meredith, too. "It's a girl's school, you dork," one of them
said. I told them I was taking Old Testament that semester, can’t remember the
professor’s name, now, and one of the girls yelled, "Hey! You're in my
class!” I explained when been surfing all day and didn’t have a place to stay
and needed to hose off and asked if we could borrow their showers. They led us
back to their hotel, my buddy and I washed off and left. Driving home a week
later we came upon the same car in the slow lane of I-95. The girls were afraid
we’d fall asleep driving home, my buddy couldn’t drive at night, so they agreed
to put one girl in the car to keep us company. She’d get in, tell her life
story and at the end of the hour, another would get in the car. Our last
passenger was this cute girl wearing a funny Gilligan hat. She never said a
word, not for the whole hour. We put her out, the girls drove off and I finally
got home, exhausted. The next week I invited that shy girl to a Warren Zevon
concert. Four years later, I married her.
You've freelanced
writing newspaper columns for the last few decades on boating. Do you have an
interesting boating story you can share?
All my boating stories are interesting. I collected the
columns into two books, Hard Aground
and Hard Aground… Again. The column
began in the late eighties when an editor read a couple of essays I'd written
about trying sail a boat with my wife. He seemed genuinely amused someone of my
limited boating experience would think a woman of my wife's refined nature
would enjoy peeing in a bucket in the cockpit of small sailboat. He informed me
that I had correctly spelled the minimum number of words to meet his editorial
standards and since someone on the staff had mistakenly sold one ad too many
for the next issue, the publication was in need of some copy to balance out
that page. I didn't know this at the time. I thought he was genuinely impressed
with my writing abilities. I've been told I still suffer from this
The editor told me the column needed a catchy name. I
purchased a few sailing publications and knew all boating columnist were
subject matter experts. The only thing I was an expert on was running off the
boat ramp, running aground on clearly marked shoals and running into the dock.
I decided I would become an expert on making the best of tough times. When you
run aground in a boat – in life - you have two choices. You can cuss and
complain or you can grab a good book, kick back and wait for the tide to float
you off. It's all a matter of perspective and pennies and I'm cheap so I
usually wait for the tide.
Tell us about your
ministry, Christian Devotions. How it got started, what you all are up to these
days and what your plans are for the future.
Cindy Sproles and I started the ministry years ago to help
authors publish their devotions. We’d go to writers’ conferences and on the
last day find all these writers in tears because no one wanted their work. I
had a web business and knew how to build web sites so I put up a home page and
invited contributing writers. We figured we could at least give new writers a
byline, even if it was only on the web. Cindy had been writing devotions every
day for two years, partly because of something Alton Gansky said at a Blue
Ridge Conference and partly as a commitment to God. The odd thing was, Cindy I
didn’t know each other at that first conference but we both wrote down Al’s
words. It was like God spoke to each of us separately to work together. Weeks
after that conference I was under my willow tree doing my devotion when I heard
God whisper: ChristianDevotions.com. I meant to register the domain but by the
time I got to my upstairs office, I forgot. A few weeks later God spoke again.
Once more, I forgot. Few more weeks past and this time I wrote it down in my
journal and marched upstairs only to find that ChristianDevotions.com was
taken. I registered ChristianDevotions.US, instead. The dot com domain is worth
over ten thousand dollars, now. Procrastination has a price.
For months Cindy and I were the only writers on the site,
then slowly God grew the readership. Now we have thousands of readers, a ton of
subscribers who get the devotions daily in their email and Kindle subscribers
who receive the daily devotion on their Kindle eReader (99 cents a month). We
have a teen’s ministry, iBeGat.com, kid’s web site, DevoKids.com and last year
we purchased InspireAFire.com. That’s our mission-oriented web site. We have a radio
ministry, prayer team, finances ministry and of course the book publishing. We
didn’t set out with a marketing plan to do what we’re doing. We simply
responded to a need in the marketplace, walked the mountain with God and asked
how we could help. Find a need and fill it.
What's one thing you
wish I wouldn't ask you and pretend I asked you that question.
How I became a writer. I started my sophomore year of high
school when he told my English teacher I wanted to write for Cat Talk,
Millbrook High School’s newspaper. Mrs. Hough said, “Eddie, you can't spell and
you’re a terrible grammarian.” But I wrote a couple of articles, and she seemed
to like the way I could put words together, so I won a spot on staff. My senior
year Mrs. Pollard begged not to major in English. In fact, she was shocked I
would even consider going to college because I’d never be accepted. She was
right. NC State rejected my application. A few days later I made an appointment
with the admissions office. The day of my interview I wore a pair of red and
white checkered polyester pants my mom made me, white shirt and a red tie.
State admitted me into Industrial Arts, which I thought would be pretty cool
since I though Industrial Arts meant I’d get to paint buildings. I flunked
English 101 twice before passing with a D. I graduated from N.C. State four
years later with a degree in English/Journalism and four years of writing
experience for the Technician. I’m still a lousy proof-editor but I learned
long ago storytelling trumps grammar.
You're writing for
children right now with Zondervan. Besides the upcoming Cadence Chronicles
Series, what are your dreams for your writing future?
Each day I walk around my yard reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
This is my conversational time with God. Part of that prayer time is me putting
on the armor of God. When I’m about halfway fitted out I say, “Lord place
across my chest your breastplate of righteousness that my thought may be pure,
honorable and good and my dreams secure: my dreams of sailing around the Caribbean,
writing a best selling novel and surfing reef breaks.” Beyond that I don’t have
any grand writing goals.
Do you have any
advice for aspiring authors?
Write devotions, don’t focus on the praise, book sales and
reviews. Forget about trying to find an agent and editor. Once you’re
successful, they’ll find you. Explore the wounds in your life and minister to
others through your writing. If God allowed you to be hurt, you can speak to
that with authority. The rest of us, cannot. Ask yourself where your passions
lie. I love surfing. If I could do anything, be anywhere, I’d be in a hut on a
beach surfing a point break alone. I love playing and hate work. This is
reflected in the types of books I write. I love pulling for the underdog, this
comes out in the ministry God gave me. Only you can write the stories God
dropped in your lap and if you do not, they will die.
Where can we find out
more about you?
Please come find me on www.Eddiejones.org
Eddie is such a great guy. I hope those with middle-grade readers will check out his Hardy Boys-esque book!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gina. You're the bomb! I have no idea what "he bomb!" means. I hear others say it and they sound really cool. Yes, Dead Man's Hand is a fun read. At least that's what I hear. :)
ReplyDeleteInspiring article about a great guy. Thanks for believing in my book, We All Married Idiots. Thanking God for Eddie and his passion to make a difference in this world.
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing me to this, Eddie. It's great to know a little more about your journey.
ReplyDeleteDead Man's Hand was awesome! Great interview. :-)
ReplyDeleteEddie's one of the most encouraging editors I've met. "If God allowed you to be h urt, you can speak to that with authority." An important thing for people to remember as they heal.
ReplyDeleteThis is seriously one of the best interviews EVER.
ReplyDeleteInformative and extremely inspirational.
Thank you Eddie! (And Dan Smith...)
Dead Man's Hand, Aces over Eights with a bullet as a kicker. Boys love things that go "BHAM!" and that is Dead Man's Hand - gunfights, train robberies, bank bandits and one boy's search for the truth about death, dying and the afterlife. Dead Man's Hand - the first in the Caden Chronicles series (where spooks, vampires and zombies don't stand a "ghost" of a chance).
ReplyDeleteA few facts about literacy:
One child in four grows up not knowing how to read.
• 3 out of 4 food stamp recipients perform in the lowest 2 literacy levels.
• 90% of welfare recipients are high school dropouts.
• 14% of Americans are considered functionally illiterate, meaning they cannot read well enough to function productively in a school or work environment.
• 29% of Americans are low-level, functionally literate. They read only enough to do their job and get through the day.
• 44% of Americans are highly functionally literate but prefer to receive information orally.
• Over 60% of adults in the US prison system read at or below the fourth grade level
• 85% of US juvenile inmates are functionally illiterate
Buy a Boy a Book.