Friday, May 6, 2011

A Good Evening at the Ball Park

Fireworks celebrated the 2-1 victory and a lovely night.
The old editor and his good buddy Christine Ward.
Host James Creekmore and Blair Wood inside skybox.
View from the Creekmore Law Firm skybox.
The old editor, Christine and new FRONT ad exec Kathy Bibb.
James Creekmore of the Creekmore Law Firm in Blacksburg invited me and a couple of buddies to his salem Red Sox skybox tonight on a lovely evening in Salem. It was a fun night with some interesting people that included Blair Wood, a new lawyer at Creekmore, about whom you'll be reading soon in FRONT.

I showed up with my good friend Christine Ward and colleague Kathy Bibb (one of our two new ad executives and a fun gal) and we all chatted with some good talkers like Keith Finch and the firm's marketing director Allison Davis, who has an extensive and varied background in the arts. She also has as lovely an Irish look as Maureen O'Sullivan. Graceful gal.

Lots of fun and I want to thank James for the invite.

(By the way, during the Seventh Inning Stretch, I got the chance to explain to Christine and Kathy that the song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" is actually a song about a guy asking a girl for a date and she telling him where she wants to go. Great song.)

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