Sleds await use at the top of the run.^
Same shot as above, different angle and orientation.^
Mom cradles the little one as she prepares to shoot down the hill.^
Little guy tries to squeeze in for his next run (you can see he's already a veteran by the snow on his clothes).^
It's a long, slow walk back up the long hill after a fast run down.^
Mom tries to keep up with her running little one, who's hardly winded after her run. Mom gets to carry the sled, though.^
The hill above the Memorial Bridge on Memorial Ave. in Raleigh Court was dotted with sledders late this afternoon.^
Little man, big sled, bigger fun (above) and this guy (right) shows he's a veteran of the downhill run.^
Snow brings out the best from the people of Raleigh Court who gather in numbers above the Memorial Ave. Bridge for some serious sledding.
Today, with bright azure skies, crisp, mid-30s temperatures and enthusiasm that can't be measured, sledders ganged up at the top for their long runs down the big slope and flocked around their parents on the bunny slope for the shorter run.
It is the neighborhood's own ski resort without the skis (and without the hefty price tag).
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