He has just a 17 percent rating, in fact, with the Republicans for Environmental Protection, hardly what he'd call a group of "radical environmentalists." He consistently has a 100 percent rating from the Private Property Voters group, which likes the idea of being able to do any damn thing they want with their property, including polluting it.
Here's most of what he supports and opposes. Really interesting stuff if you give one healthy thought to the environment in the course of a week. Goodlatte apparently doesn't.
(By the way, I like Bob personally, but boy! do we disagree on everything. Except maybe that he has a truly marvelous wife, Maryellen. She's on our opening panel at the Women's Forum at Hollins Oct. 1 and will teach a class on women's rights.)
I don't know him personally, but I had one of his office workers be extremly rude to me. Long story,I was right. He wrote a half-hearten apology to me.
ReplyDeleteI thought he gave up his seat long, long ago at the end of his promised term limit.
ReplyDeleteI don't know him personally either. I do agree with you Dan on the whole, "not agreeing" thing from mailings and his voting record though. Have yet really get an answer from his DC or local office on anything. Kind of feel like I am a watcher in the Governor's song, "Sidestep" from "Best Little Whore House In Texas." I always look forward to change.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Dan, I just can't leave this question unasked: Who's teaching the class on women's lefts? (The devil made me do it. Really.)
ReplyDeleteOh, Janeson.
ReplyDeleteHe may not have been appropriate, but he was delivering a check to the town for assistance with its water project. I find him creepy, too, but he is the town's congressman, and since he came bearing dollars I can certainly understand why he was there. It wasn't just to give a speech; it was a media photo op. (And I'm not defending him, I'm defending the town, I guess.)
ReplyDeleteCountryDew: I'll bet my first born male child that Bob voted against the bill that created the money for your water project.