Monday, October 22, 2012

Photo Essay: That Golden Time of Year

This is why people fish. Has little to do with the fish, themselves.
Canopy of leaves at Wasena Park.
Fall's powerful light on the bridge to Vic Thomas Park.
This is the very personification of "fall color."
Backlighting in South Roanoke.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
The Roanoke River as a reflecting pool.
George Smith, the long-time chief photographer for the Richmond Times-Dispatch once described his photographic philosophy as "f-8 and be there." I was reminded of that today as I took the camera out for a little fall exercise. If you can't shoot a pretty picture this time of the year, put your camera up and sing or something because you're hopeless as a photographer.

Here's what I got today just by pointing the camera (and even breaking Rule 1 by pointing it into the sun for one of these shots). Just point and fire. You'll get something because the light is simply magic.


  1. Dan, Just so you know, Honeybell is my Stripey's Twitter husband. He and his family live in Boca Raton, Florida, and haven't seen "real" fall in a long time.
