Sunday, July 6, 2014

Photo Essay: Summer in the Woods

Nature takes its course as a bee feasts on this tiny dead snake (what kind is it, boys and girls?).
This is grass. Grass is pretty.
(UPDATE: My buddy Mike Overacre, who knows these things, tells me the blue snake is actually a dead green snake. The yellow pigment drains out upon death--or maybe the bee sucked it out.)

Took a walk for a couple of hours in the woods a bit ago and it was mostly uneventful, a bit on the warm side and quite sunny.

It was a day to pay attention, to look for detail and I found some in the ripe blackberries, the tall grass seed, the mystical white butterflies, the rotting logs and a lone bee feasting on a small, dead snake of bright blue. I couldn't identify the snake, but I knew the bee.

Nature is grand.

The white butterflies played well on the blue flowers.
The blackberries are pretty, but not so tasty.
And the obligatory Editr-Pampa selfie.

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