No need to be embarrassed, just so long as you know exactly what you're doing: escaping everything you know is real into a Republican utopia where a guy dressed in an American flag (Ronald Reagan) is representing all that's best in humanity (and who has a really cute girlfriend with too much lipstick). He fights Nazis, one of whom is worse than Hitler and who gives new meaning to the term "redhead." Red's right-hand man is a Karl Rove look-alike who manages his campaign with the slogan is "Ve vill rule de vorld."
This isn't just a movie with flashy special effects; it's a movie about flashy special effects. The plotline is so thin that if you turn it sideways it becomes invisible: good guy created by good scientists represents good against evil guy created by evil science representing evil. Straight-ahead stuff. The good people are pretty (except for Tommy Lee Jones and he's interesting) and the bad people--especially Karl Rove and Red--are ugly and overdressed.
Fun movie. It's at a bunch of theaters and if you've seen everything at the Grandin Theatre that's worth seeing (and you probably have, since pickings there are thin this week; "Midnight in Paris" is it), the Captain is a nice diversion.
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