Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Photo Contest For You (Open 'til Wednesday)

My pal Dan Casey, who writes a column for a local daily in Roanoke, ran a caption contest yesterday based on one of the photos of Pearl Fu I shot at Local Colors last week. The contest is over Wednesday at noon, but the initial report and some of the funny responses are here. (My initial report on this had it ending earlier, but Dan corrected that, so send in your thoughts.) There was to be a note on the contest in Saturday's paper.

My wife won't let me look at the paper that comes to our house. It's her subscription. My free one was canceled when I "retired" from the Business Journal (I may be the only retiree in the history of Landmark--the BJ's owner--to have his free sub snatched away, but, hey, they need the money).

I've said before that Dan is the best columnist the local daily has employed since Mike Ives in the 1970s and now he has proven to be an astute art critic. The boy has too much fun.

1 comment:

  1. The contest is open until Wednesday, noon, Dan.

    --dan casey
