I've been posting my daily gratitude observation on Facebook for a little over a week now and thought I'd move it to my blog. Here's what's been presented so far, beginning with this morning's post. You'll see one a day--I hope--from now on.
June 25, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
A growing ability to find the value in what is presented daily, whether or
not it appears to be a threat. My experience is telling me consistently that
situations, attitudes, actions and perceptions are mine to interpret and I want
to choose an interpretation that has lasting value. That requires full
attention in most circumstances, something I'm not good at (ADD has delayed me
on many, many occasions), but the effort required is most often of great
benefit to me and those around me. It also requires forgiveness (beginning with
myself), relaxing of the ego intrusion and an effort to understand why and how
situations and circumstances develop. Sounds like a lot of effort and it is.
But the result is often worth the work.
June 24, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
The unexpected. The truly unexpected, that which comes out of nowhere, grabs
us by whatever's handy and leads us to places we never anticipated or even knew
we wanted to visit. It happens in my life frequently because, I think, I am
open to it. If I close down, it passes by like a car thief looking for a 'Vette
with the keys in the ignition. I became a writer because of serendipity. I
learned hiking and paddling and other physical outlets when my days of playing
ball were over because I was open to them. I've found fulfilling relationships
because I didn't block them. I founded a writers conference because the
opportunity presented itself. Examples abound and I can't wait for the next
one. Maybe tonight on City Market where I'm dining with somebody intriguing and
totally unexpected. The unexpected keeps the level of hope, excitement,
enthusiasm and joy at a high level.
June 24, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
Opportunity. When I sold my half
interest in FRONT magazine about a year ago to finish writing my novel CLOG!, I
had no idea what I would do for income. I am not wealthy and must work if I am
to bring home enough to be comfy. But the work has consistently been there and
the projects have been great fun, the editors demanding and competent and the
pay generous considering this economy. There has been so
much work of late, in fact, that I haven't written a word on my next novel
NEWS! in a couple of months. It is a good problem to have and I feel extremely
fortunate to be a 67-year-old writer, edging toward 50 years in the business
(Aug. 22) whose work is still appreciated and wanted.
June 23, 2014
Today, I am grateful for:
People who disagree with me and
don't hesitate to express that disagreement--even those with whom the
disagreement is sharp and irreconcilable. Much of what I learn comes from those
who show/tell me what I don't know or show me where/how to find that
information. These brisk conversations can be inspiring and invigorating, even
when my own ignorance is the primary target. That gives me an opportunity to
adjust my ego's demands, as well.
June 22, 201
I am grateful for:
People who return phone calls in a timely manner. People who don't over-text (more
than two in succession requires a phone call). Class acts who write thank-you
notes ... by hand ... on paper ... with stamps. People who write letters (Kitty
Koomen, you are a dear). People who listen without concentrating on what their
response will be and those who explain without missing key steps. There's more
(like writing without destroying the language in the process), but the basic of
this gratitude list is communication. I adore people who communicate well.
June 20, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
The high levels of integrity I
find among my friends. They inspire me with their involvement, honesty, energy,
kindness, generosity and intelligence. I'm also inspired by my summer tomatoes,
about 60 of them at the moment, that are getting to be bright red summer
tomatoes. Yay, 'mater sammiches!
June 19, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
A rich cultural community in the
Roanoke Valley, one where art and music, theater and the written word are as
important as football and stock car racing. We have a broad and deep cultural
heritage here and in my small version of the world, it is deeply appreciated
and supported.

June 18, 2014
Today, I'm thankful for:
These two (left). I miss them, but I know they're safe, healthy, happy and living an
experience in Southern Spain they'll cherish for their lives.
17, 2014
Today, I am grateful for:
A clean house, thanks to my pal
Ashley Mullen (who owns
Keep it Simple
Cleaning Services). She will clean my castle this a.m. I'm not a dirty or
messy guy--like so many unmarried men--but Ash steps this up several notches
and makes the house not only shine, but smell bright and new. Love the stuff
she puts on the floors. And she's such a delight to be around, even when I'm
June 16, 2014
Today, I am grateful for:
Social Security and Medicare. I
benefit from both. My knee replacement was a gift from Medicare and the new
knee has changed my life--given it back, actually. Social Security allows me to
work as I want, when I want, how I want, in the field I want. I have been
working daily for more than 50 years and have no intention of stopping unless
there is some unexpected medical problem, but the government programs give me
the security to continue working if I want or stopping if I must. When my
father died, leaving us nothing, we were able to eat because of a small Social
Security check. This is America at its best.
June 15, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
Some of the perks of being a
journalist, like the train excursion to Lynchburg I'm taking this morning. I've
met six Virginia governors (know three of them fairly well), top-end entertainers,
international figures like Pakinstan martyr and hero Benazir Bhuto and Nobel
winner Lech Walesa, Pulitzer winners A.O. Wilson and Doris Kerns Goodwin, and
some of the most fascinating lesser-known people god put on
earth. Journalism has afforded the opportunity to be a clown for a day with a
big circus (I rode in on an elephant named Mollie, sweet girl she was), to
write about people who make a difference and people who inspire. It has helped
educate me in areas where I normally would have had little interest or reason
to learn. This career has been a blessing beyond measure and in August I'll
have been doing it for 50 years.
June 14, 2014
I am thankful for:
renewed ability to hike our rare and precious mountains where some of the most
beautiful vistas in the world are found. This is the result of the miracles
(and I use that word advisedly, since joint replacement is
relatively new and jaw-droppingly effective) of medical science and a whole lot
of sweat, aching muscles and determination to damn well not be a cripple any
more. Good hiking partners and a lot of encouragement also figure into the
equation. (Yep, down below that's Editr Pampa at McAfee's Knob.)
June 13, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
So much. So very much. But let's
just pick one. My formal education is quite limited, about an hour at
UNCAsheville. Never passed a course at the college level. That has not
mattered. I have worked nearly 50 years (Aug. 22) as a journalist and have
taught at the college level because of mentors along the way like Al Geremonte,
the old Army platoon sargeant who fought at Guadalcanal
and became a sports writer. He taught me "everything you know, but not
everything I know." I was hired as a copy boy (something that doesn't
exist now) in the sports department of the Asheville Citizen, applying on a
lark and beginning work that day in 1964.The mentors keep coming and they are
every age, every profession, both genders, every economic level, and of wildly
varied backgrounds and interests. Every day of my life since 1964, I have
looked forward to working and learning. Not many of us get to do that.
June 12, 2014
Today I am grateful for:
A mother, Opal Dane McCourry Smith, whose sense of humor often put joy into the most difficult situations. She laughed, whistled and sang through tragedy and disappointment and passed her irreverence and eye-poke to reality on to her eight kids (I'm 6th and there's a good story with that). We've all lived flawed lives, but we've been able to laugh through every bump and bruise. Thanks, Mom.