My pal Mary Bishop sent the following information to me tonight about a problem churches in the Roanoke Valley have been having this winter with high electric bills. Her group, the Cool Cities Coalition, is coming to the rescue, after a fashion, with a seminar on how to get those under control. Let's let Mary tell it:
"High ceilings, large windows and spacious facilities heated, cooled and lighted even when not in use mean that religious buildings are often big users of electricity. This winter, some local churches paid $3,500 or more per month for electricity. To help congregations as well as the environment, Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition is sponsoring a free forum to help faith groups explore ways they can reduce electricity use.
"Led by Cool Cities Chairwoman Diana Christopulos, panelists from several congregations will explain how they reduced energy waste in their buildings. Participants will learn how to analyze their electric bills and begin formulating a plan for reducing energy use. The free workshop, open to lay people and clergy of all faiths, will be held Tuesday, April 27, 7:30-10 a.m. at the Natural Science Center, off Winding Way Road at Virginia Western Community College. The Natural Science Center is next to the college greenhouse on the western edge of campus.
"Coffee and bagels, provided by co-sponsor Breakell Inc., will be available at 7:30 a.m. The program begins at 8 a.m."
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