Studio Roanoke will premier "Ashville" next week and writer Lucy Thurber will be in from NYCity to see how it goes. Lucy is a young writer with seven plays to her credit.
When I mentioned to director Todd Ristau that she may be accomplished, but she still can't spell "Asheville," which is my hometown, he pointed that this is a different place (in New England) than I have in mind. Sorry, Lucy.
The play runs Feb. 9-14 at Studio One (8 p.m. each night, 2 p.m. matinees Saturday and Sunday) on Campbell Ave. in Roanoke. Tickets are $15 general admission and $12 for students and old guys like me. You can find out more here or by calling 540-343-3054. Remember that this theater only has about 40 seats, so get your tickets.
It is a "dark, sat little comedy about a blue collar, small town America, mothers, daughters, drug dealers and love. The kind of Valentine's Day card you'd expect from Studio Roanoke." That's what the promotional copy says and, frankly, I don't know much more than I did before reading it. But I do know I get to be there Monday night for the dress rehearsal (I'm soooooo special) and I'll report back to you on that.
Lucy has a long resume, mostly secondary stuff you've not heard of yet, and she has taught at Columbia University (graduate playwriting) and Sarah Lawrence College and she runs an after school theater project for teenagers in NYC.
My guess is that if the play's as good as the poster, every night will be a sellout. Spelling or no spelling.
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