A woman named Tammy Belinsky sent this e-mail to Diana and several others with Cool Cities:
dear "environmentalists", thank you for using a condom when you rape me signed, mother earth
The rhetoric from the defenders in this has grown louder and more shrill with each note of agreement--generally from the scientific community--that the windmills should be built. People I would otherwise look at as philosophical allies are sounding pretty distant these days and when the accusation turns to "rape," even in a mocking vein, I think it's time to step back and look at what's happening here. And it's not just what's happening to land. It's what's happening to good people. I don't like it.
I am fairly certain Tammy Belinsky is not a bad person and I'm equally certain Diana and her colleagues aren't trying to rape Ms. Belinsky or her land or her lifestyle. Let's get a grip, people. We'll never talk if this goddamn yelling doesn't stop.
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