Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cox Communications: Best Service Company? No

UPDATE: A cox service person called at 2 p.m. and cheerfully asked if I'd like them to install today (I have an appointment and can't). We're scheduled at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Amazing what a little blog post can do, especially when all that Facebook followup gets people talking about certain cable companies in ways that countermand that expensive advertising.

Cox Communications in Roanoke, which has provided internet service for me personally and for our business, Valley Business FRONT magazine, since its inception nearly two years ago, has been advertising its quality service. In last year's "Best of ..." issue, FRONT named Cox the best service company in the region.

Something has changed.

We have moved our offices into the heart of downtown Roanoke (as of July 1) and we still don't have internet service. We notified Cox in mid-June that we were moving. We were told it didn't do conversations the last week of the month. But this is July 8. Eight days into the month and I still can't work out of the office.

Best service company in the region? In the past, yes. Right now, no. Not close. We'll keep you informed about just how long this conversion takes. Should be an interesting case study. If it goes much longer, we're going to call Verizon.


  1. I can't attest to the customer service Cox is delivering now, but a year ago when I tried to get home service, the 3rd party contractor they used was frighteningly incompetent and had poor people skills (if any). Maybe they've gotten better. Maybe not. But whatever you do, DO NOT allow Verizon to stick their paws into your budding business. Now THERE'S a strong tradition of really poor customer service!

  2. I apologize for any delays in getting your services transferred. If you would like further assistance with this matter please feel free to email me at and I'd be happy to assist in any way that I can.


  3. nTelos came to our neighborhood last year and people on our street began dropping Comcast like flies. No problems whatsoever with nTelos. We've had Cox too, when we lived in Arizona. They sort of had a strangle hold on the entire area there. Sometimes the smaller companies just plain do a better job because they are hungry for the business.

    When companies give me problems I let the blogging world know about it.

