Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Photo(s) of the Day: It's Here! Finally and Fully

This is the cherry tree in my back yard, backed by forsythia. A veritable spray of color.
The weeping cherry trees in the front yard make a great frame.
It was 87 degrees yesterday, five days after we got a not-very-welcome final (we hope) snow of a long winter. I think that every year near mid-March most of us have cabin fever so severely that we start blaming Canada for everything, especially the weather. But now, our cold is over--I hope to god--and the blooming has begun.

In the past few days, I've planted berries, a rhododendron cousin (got it at Happy's Flea Market for $5 and it's gorgeous), a rose, lilacs and some pretty yellow flowers; prepared a vegetable bed; trimmed the dead from the forsythia; pruned two trees; mowed the lawn for the first time this season; put down mulch in several places; bought some landscaping timbers in order to replace a wall in front; and generally tidied up. Two months from now, I'll be bemoaning yard work, but right now it's as good as sex. Uh. Maybe not that, but good.

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